The minimum insurance requirement for the state of California is
Bodily Injury and Property Damage Liability.
If you're like many people, you may be inclined to buy the minimum amount of auto insurance
required at the lowest possible rate. It sounds like a good idea, but following this
approach can leave you under-insured.
Be informed, read what we have to say the common parts of a Auto Insurance.
Bodily Injury coverage protects you when your vehicle causes physical harm and injury to
other people and they sue you. The company will defend and pay legal costs at no extra
charge to protect you for covered situations.
It is difficult to determine how much coverage you may need as no one can predict the
future. It is not unusual for courts to award judgements in the hundreds of thousands of
dollars. You must purchase at least the state minimum limit of $15,000 for each person,
up to a maximum of $30,000 per accident. You should purchase as much insurance as you can
afford, and certainly consider an
Umbrella policy
that will provide you with additional limits for unpredictable catastrophe.
The underlying limit required for this policy is usually to $250,000 per person
/ $500,000 per accident.
Property damage coverage protects you when your vehicle causes physical damage and/or loss
of use to other peoples property. Other property could include such items as vehicles, houses,
fences, etc. Defense and legal costs are also provided under this coverage; part to protect
you when you are sued for covered claims.
Again, it is difficult to determine just how much coverage you will need. Being responsible
for a total loss to a Mercedes or causing structural damage to a building could be very
expensive! You must purchase at least the state minimum limit of $5,000 and it would be
wise to carry as much insurance as you can afford. Again you should consider an
Umbrella policy
to provide you with additional limits for the unpredictable disaster!
This coverage can provide first dollar medical insurance for you and/or any of your passenger(s) who do
not have health insurance coverage. This coverage can be very helpful in filling in the
"gaps" from health insurance co-payments requirements, deductibles and restrictions.
This coverage protects you when you are injured in a motor vehicle accident
caused by someone who did not purchase insurance. Even though motor vehicle
insurance is required in California, some people choose to break the law
and not buy coverage. Uninsured Motorist Coverage helps you recover loss
of income, medical bills and pain and suffering caused by another who has
no insurance to pay your losses. You should purchase Uninsured Motorist
Coverage limits equal to your Bodily Injury Limits.
This coverage also protects you when you are injured in an separate accident caused by someone else
who has insurance but not enough to pay for your injury. This coverage is so similar to the
Uninsured Motorist coverage that some companies combine both Uninsured and Underinsured
Motorist coverage together. You should again consider purchasing the same limits as you
Bodily Injury and Uninsured Motorists coverages if that option is available.
This coverage pays for the damage to your vehicle caused when you hit another vehicle
or object or another vehicle hits you. It covers you whether you are at fault or not.
If you are not at fault you could present a claim against the guilty party, but
submitting a claim against your own carrier will often be easier. This coverage is
always subject to a deductible. A deductible is that amount of a loss you must pay.
Waiver of deductible option - applicable to collision losses
It allows you to be paid from the first dollar (that is, no deductible) in collision
losses where you are NOT at fault and can IDENTIFY the at fault party.
In the state of California coverage is limited to max of $3,500.
It would be paid to the insured if it was proven that the party who hit
you was at fault did not carry any form of liability insurance.
This coverage pays for the damage to your vehicle caused by situations other than collision.
Some usual comprehensive losses are flood, fire, theft and glass. In California you must
purchase a deductible.
This coverage pays you a certain amount per day for a certain length of time for
alternate transportation necessary when your automobile is inoperable due to a
theft. Coverage is provided for the length of
time your car cannot be driven to a maximum of 30 days. Payment is also subject
to a daily limit amount. This coverage usually has to be purchase for an additional premium.
This inexpensive coverage pays you when your vehicle needs to be towed or have some
work done on the road, such as changing a flat tire. This coverage only pays a
certain amount for each loss. This may not be available with all companies.
This coverage usually has to be purchase for an additional premium.